Beginners English Quiz – Conjunctions (And & But)

Hello to all of my ESL friends from around the world and welcome to English Extremities.  I’m Maurice and I’m very excited that you have decided to join me today for an American English Grammar Quiz. In today’s episode, we will have a beginner English quiz on the conjunction and/but Are you ready? Well, let's … Continue reading Beginners English Quiz – Conjunctions (And & But)

10 Common Complex Prepositions

Hello to all my amazing ESL students and welcome to today's American English Grammar lesson on 10 common complex prepositions. Let's begin with the definition. A complex preposition is a word group that functions like an ordinary one-word proposition that's divided into two groups: the two-word units known as compound prepositions and the three-word units known … Continue reading 10 Common Complex Prepositions

What are the 8 Types of Adjectives

Hello Everyone and welcome to English Extremities' Daily English Grammar Lesson. In this episode, we will discuss the 8 types of adjectives with examples. I hope you are ready because I am. A proper adjective is one derived from a proper noun. For example, “The Portuguese language”, “The Pacific Ocean”. The Portuguese Language is spoken in Brazil 2. A … Continue reading What are the 8 Types of Adjectives

What Are The 4 Types Of English Sentences?

There are four types of sentences in the English language: declarative, exclamatory, imperative, and interrogatory. These sentence types serve different functions. Understanding these different sentence types and how to use them will improve your writing and speaking skills. Declarative Sentence functions as a (Statement): It tells us something. Examples: I hate rats.I love music.I enjoy … Continue reading What Are The 4 Types Of English Sentences?

What is the difference between parentheses brackets and braces?

Brackets Brackets are placed around extra information in a text, especially comments made by an editor, and are typically used for editorial comments, corrections, and clarifications. Ex. He [Mr. Smith] was the last person seen at the cafe. Parentheses Parentheses are the most common of these three punctuation marks. We use parentheses to enclose information that … Continue reading What is the difference between parentheses brackets and braces?

What Are 9 Types Of Pronouns

A pronoun is defined as a word or phrase that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase, which is known as the pronoun’s antecedent. Pronouns are short words and can do everything that nouns can do and are one of the building blocks of a sentence. Common pronouns are he, she, you, me, I, … Continue reading What Are 9 Types Of Pronouns

8 Ways To Use The Phrasal Verb “Get” Get is a very challenging word in English--because it has many different meanings and because it is used in many expressions--particularly phrasal verbs and verb + preposition combinations 1 Get on with: Continue, resume Example: The car is working now, so we can get on with the trip. 2 Get over: Finish, end Example: … Continue reading 8 Ways To Use The Phrasal Verb “Get”

How to use the Dash and the Hyphen in sentences.

Two other common punctuation marks are the dash and hyphen. The dash and the hyphen are often confused with each other due to their appearance, however they are very different. Dash A dash is used to separate words into statements. There are two common types of dashes: en dash and em dash. En dash: Twice as long … Continue reading How to use the Dash and the Hyphen in sentences.